Save the Date
Friday Nov. 14th 2025, 6-6:30pm
On St. Martin’s Day in Germany, on November 11th, children walk at night carrying lanterns. Each November, our school community also meets one evening to remind us of our shared kindness though the story of St. Martin.

What does the Lantern Walk Celebrate?
Our Lantern Walk is a simple event in which the children and adults share light through the night by walking and singing together. Children carry their handmade lanterns, and all those walking sing traditional songs. At the end, the children receive a small Weckmann cake that they share with their families and friends attending.
Lantern walk celebrates hope and kindness, helping others and being the good in the world.

Lantern Walk – Notes & Lyrics (w/ audio)
- Laterne, Laterne… https://www.lieder-archiv.de/laterne_laterne-notenblatt_300732.html
- Ich gehe mit meiner Laterne https://www.lieder-archiv.de/ich_geh_mit_meiner_laterne-notenblatt_100115.html
- Sankt Martin https://www.lieder-archiv.de/sankt_martin_ritt_durch_schnee_und_wind-notenblatt_300731.html
- Sankt Martin https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mUlHF0T8Dri2rjBpTYNJLJ-TvBylIFJY/view?usp=sharing (lyrics, no audio)
Lantern Walk Songs – Videos for Children
- Laterne, Laterne… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cV1o_JlgWY
- Ich gehe mit meiner Laterne… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oixRjkUsV1g
- Sankt Martin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3Nl0beM6pc
Short Video about St. Martin for Children (WDR):
- Wer war St. Martin? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdJPDlO3m6s

The Story of St. Martin
Once upon a time there was a young man named Martin. He was kind and gentle. One day he was going to the city of Amien. As he walked along the country road, he rejoiced at seeing the tall trees with their branches swaying in the breeze and flowers of many colors growing from the ground, and at hearing birds chirping and singing.
He said, “The world is good,” and felt happy to see the trees and flowers and hear the birds. The sun shone down on him, and he felt its warmth on his shoulders.
Soon he came to the gate of the city of Amien. He walked through a large archway. The sun was fading, and it began to get dark, so he lit his lantern. As he walked along, he came upon a man crouched on the ground shivering and cold with hardly any clothes on. Martin took off his cloak, tore it in two, laid one half over the shivering man, and gave him his lantern so he would have warmth and light.
Then he went on until he came to his place of rest, lay down on his bed, and went to sleep. While he slept he had a dream. In his dream there was an angel who said, “Thank you for giving part of your coat and your lamp to the shivering man so he could have warmth and light. Your name shall be St. Martin.” Again and again St. Martin gave clothing to those who were cold, food to the hungry, and light to those in need. (Borrowed from Waldorf Yarns)