COVID Safety Protocols

COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS for in-person meetings
Note: PROTOCOLS WILL BE CONTINUALLY REVIEWED AND UPDATED based on state and county guidance.

DSC Update:  September 20, 2024

During 2024-25, masking in our classrooms is not required but it is optional.

We will follow the requirements in our classrooms along with the state. For in-person adult classes, we let individual teachers and their students decide together if a classroom or zoom may be needed due to increase of COVID numbers during the academic year.

• Face coverings are optional and welcome for teachers and ALL students.
• Social-distancing practices will be encouraged in the classroom. The group will consist of 12 people max. (10 students and 2 adults).
• The classroom will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before and after each use.
• Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes will be available as well as hand washing in the bathroom.
• Children will be asked to clean their hands after arrival, at the sign-in table close to the entrance, using sanitizer before entering the classroom.
• Students must bring their own full water bottles.
• Students will be let into the building just 5 minutes before class. (We are still trying to minimize time spent indoors.) Please arrive on time!
• Students will be picked up / brought to the classroom entrance door by the teacher, so the parents do not need to enter the classroom. Sign-out by parents will still be needed!!!
• Please let us know ahead of time if anyone else will be picking up your child.
• Please have your child bring a fleece or a pullover – the classroom will be aired after each use for fresh air and it may be a bit cooler at the beginning of the class.
• !!! Students should not attend in-person classes: if they or others in their household are experiencing common Covid symptoms, if they test positive for Covid-19, or if they have been exposed and are not fully vaccinated. Please let us know about your absence.
• Please communicate with us and help us stay open so our students can enjoy the classroom setting.

What will happen when we need to quarantine the group?

• If the classroom community will need to quarantine after direct contact with a confirmed Covid case, we will use zoom meetings for 5 days.

What will happen when teacher gets sick?

  • All teachers are fully vaccinated and boosted. Nevertheless, if the lead teacher experiences symptoms or tests positive for Covid-19, we will let everyone know and cancel the classes for time needed and restart when possible, or have a substitute teacher teaching the class. Since we teach each term for 10 weeks, the week #11 will be used for needed make-up classes. In such a case, no zoom as plan B will be used.

Vielen Dank – Thank you