Who: Students & friends of any ages

For our board game night, we have a children group, youth group and an adult group.

Open for everyone with interest in playing board games and conversing in German language (any level).

When: During the academic year, our German school organizes each term at least one board game night. We usually plan them on Friday evening, 6-7:30pm.

What: Each group meets in a different classroom and has a leader who brings games and hosts the meeting. It is open for all students to explore new board games as well as to practice German language. Activities for prospective students to explore another culture and foreign language are provided as well.

Where: We meet at our classrooms at the Episcopal Church of Good Samaritan, 333 NW 35th Street in Corvallis. Enter from the East Entrance closest to the playground.

Note: We appreciate an RSVP as we are ordering a pizza for dinner. Donations towards PIZZA welcome.