November 14 7, Famous Germans – Kings and Emperors, Presented by Elizabeth Jones (Note date change to November 7.)
This talk explores German rulers’ different leadership styles and accomplishments. Although Prussian king Frederick the Great is perhaps the best-known for his ambitious empire-building wars, the rulers of smaller states also introduced important ideas and innovations.
Elizabeth Jones has provided her slides, click here.
October 10, 2023, Famous German Scientists, Presented by Martin Schuster
Exploring the large and small: Alexander von Humboldt and Robert Koch. This talk will introduce the life and careers of two influential 19thcentury German scientists, their different approaches to scientific discovery, and their lasting legacies today: the geographer, naturalist, and polymath Alexander von Humboldt, and the physician and microbiologist Robert Koch.
Martin Schuster has provided his slides.
IN GERMANY AND OREGON. Postponed to June 6.

September 13, 2022, Summer Poetry, by Ludmila Schuster, et al.
June 14, 2022, German Beers: Traditional and Global, by Dr. Elizabeth Jones.
April 12, 2022, A Tour of German Borderlands Beyond Austria and Switzerland, by Dr. Elizabeth Jones
March 8, 2022, Germans in Australia by Theo Dreher
February 8, 2022 Spring-Themed German Poetry by Erika Schoel (outline)
January 11, 2022 Rhein Bicycle Tour (part 2) by Annette Youngberg

October 12, 2021
Deutschland und Wahlen
This talk will cover the basics of the German political parties, how the German parliamentary system works, and explore regional political differences from current and historical perspectives. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion of the September 26th national election.
By Dr. Elizabeth Jones

June 8, 2021
Österreich Impressionen:
Vorarlberg – „klein aber oho“
This talk will take us on a tour of beautiful and important natural and cultural areas in Austria.
By Dr. Susanne Stieger-Vanegas
May 11, 2021
Off the Beaten Track:
Lesser-known Natural Wonders in the German-Speaking Lands
By Dr. Elizabeth B. Jones
April 13, 2021
Germans Abroad: Immigration and Culture in America and Beyond
By Dr. Elizabeth B. Jones

March 9, 2021
A Poetic Walk through the Spring
By Erika Schoell
Link to Poems

February 9, 2021
Dresden: “Florence on the Elbe” –
A personal view (Part 2)
by Barbara Rossbacher

January 12, 2021
Dresden: “Florence on the Elbe” –
A personal view (Part 1)
by Barbara Rossbacher

December 8, 2020
German Poetry of the Winter and Holiday Season
By Erika Schoell

November 9, 2020
Bicycling the Romatische Straße
By Annette Youngberg

October 13, 2020
With the Grain: Food Sovereignty, Biodiversity, and Artisan Bread in German-speaking Europe
by Dr. Elizabeth B. Jones